October 2022: We asked the Summer Associate Class of 2022 for their thoughts on the ten-week Summer Program. Here's their candid feedback on the professional highs, personal growth and even the unexpected aspects of the White & Case Summer Program.
The overall experience...
"I feel like I can be my authentic self without fear of judgment or reprisal, and most people I encounter are willing to explain things and check in to make sure I have all that I need to do my job."
"Workwise, this summer exceeded my expectations. I learned so much and I think that so much exposure to associates and partners is a big part of why that happened."
"I liked that the vibe I got from my interviews were the same I got working at the Firm."
"I think the Firm has a fantastic culture. I enjoyed every person I interacted with and worked with. I thought I worked a respectable amount of hours and also appreciated the transparency of what I potentially may be getting into if I come back."
"The Firm has established and maintained a very welcoming culture; the people are approachable and are incredibly willing to provide mentorship to every summer associate."
"The culture is remarkable. Everyone was kind and happy to act as a teacher. I learned so much and found the feedback substantive and helpful."
The work...
"High-caliber, top-of-the-table deal flow. Great opportunities to be involved in any transactional work that suits your fancy."
"The lawyers here seem genuinely curious about developing emerging areas of the law. I have seen many partners and associates contributing to thought leadership that will ultimately frame and enrich areas of law and legal practice, and that level of inquisitiveness typifies the White & Case way. Additionally, every project I've been given takes on a broader significance and it's evident that the work we do could potentially have deeper impacts on people and issues the world over."
"I enjoyed the impactful nature of the pro bono work; it was legally substantive and socially conscious."
"The work is internationally reaching; from day one, I felt as if I was involved in complex legal work that transcended international borders and markets."
"The matters White & Case handles will have a lasting impact on the financial standing and livelihoods of millions of people, and the responsibility that lawyers feel to do the best job for clients is evident. I also think the work we're doing in pro bono is having a sizable impact on people's lives. As a summer, I have had a hand in helping expunge criminal convictions so that people can chart a new path in their lives, and also supporting someone who wants to change their name and live authentically as themselves."
"I think one thing that is great about the Firm is that we all really enjoy being around each other and the work we do. I do not think we were shielded from anyone nor from the difficulty of the work, which was helpful."
"Great mix of pro bono and client matters. The Firm really values their social commitments along with their corporate client work, and you could feel it in the air."
...and the unexpected
"I found the Law Firm Economics and Firm strategy sessions to be the two most interesting. I felt that they gave me a perspective I was unfamiliar with and allowed me to get a "peek behind the curtain" and really start to understand the business of the Firm."
"The partners were so much more down to earth and approachable than I would have expected."
"It is really great to be surrounded by people who think on the same global scale that you do. Everyone comes from a different place and has a different life experience that makes them really accepting of others."
"I was pleasantly surprised by how transparent lawyers and partners were about their hopes to expand the Firm and the challenges they face in doing so. Even as a summer, I have witnessed candid conversations about ambitious business development and office expansion goals."