June 2021: Meet the host of 'On the Record with White & Case', New York Legal Recruiting Coordinator Juliette Fernandez! It's our turn to ask the questions, starting with why Juliette and the US Recruiting team decided to launch this new podcast?
"First of all, I'm a big podcast fan," explains Juliette. "I think there's no better way to enhance your understanding of a topic or really get to grips with a news story. And from my time meeting students during OCI season and at career fairs, I know that podcasts are something that they enjoy and value too. So it seemed like a great additional way to communicate with future, or current lawyers, who want to know about White & Case."
Answering the questions that law students ask
As a recruiter, Juliette hears candidates' questions first hand and sees 'On the Record with White & Case' as the perfect way to address these hot topics. "We are regularly asked about how to prep for OCI, how to network, or what kind of work an associate does, and I'll be getting advice on all these questions and more from our guests."
The first episode features former 2020 Houston Summer Associate Luke Allen, sharing why he decided on White & Case, the OCI process and how to make an impression in an interview. Upcoming episodes will feature associates from the Firm's Silicon Valley and New York offices in a two-part special, plus former SEO Fellows and 1L Diversity Fellows reflecting on their experiences.
Going 'Off the Record' with interviewees
So what does Juliette most enjoy about her role as host and interviewer? "I love the fact that we can cover many subjects in a single episode and showcase people from our different offices," she says. Listeners are encouraged to share feedback and suggest topics for future episodes: "Definitely – we have created this with our audience in mind and we want to hear from them!"
Juliette adds that listeners will enjoy the 'Off the Record' segment of each episode, where White & Case lawyers share some of the lighter moments from their working lives. "In our first episode, Luke tells us about a cooking event that goes wrong – while the rest of the summer associate class were making ramen, the Fire Department were at his door!"
Get to know our Firm and our culture
Aside from advice on making the best possible impression during the application process, Juliette points out that tuning in to 'On the Record with White & Case' is also a way to get to know this Firm specifically. "As a law student, it can be challenging to differentiate all of the 'Big Law' firms, understand the nature of the work and figure out where would be the best fit for your personality and skills." So how can future lawyers get a sense of a potential employer? Juliette encourages them to do their research and also to reach out in person: "My advice would always be to connect with people at a firm, talk to the people who already work there and make sure that you get answers to any questions that you may have."
"Discover our Firm for yourself"
With an exciting schedule of new monthly episodes, host Juliette is excited to spread the word about 'On the Record with White & Case': "Our listeners will really get a sense of who we are, our values and what it's like to work here. I really encourage anyone with an interest in White & Case or Big Law to subscribe to our podcast and discover our Firm for yourself."
You can listen to each episode below or listen and subscribe via your favorite podcast apps:
Episode one: Our virtual US Summer Program with incoming fall associate Luke Allen
On our first episode, we sit down with Luke Allen, an incoming fall associate in our Houston office. Luke spent his 2L summer at White & Case in Houston and talks about his virtual Summer Associate Program experience. He also provides advice on how to make the most of your summer, whether you are virtual or in-person.