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“I can accelerate my career and grow with my clients”

September 2024: Maaz Shahzad is an associate in our Project Finance team in Abu Dhabi. A former London trainee, Maaz tells us about making the move to the Middle East and why Abu Dhabi is a great place to build his career.

The Firm's presence in the Middle East was a big motivator for me to join
Given my ethnic background, I had an in-built network of family and friends across Saudi Arabia and the UAE, as well as a natural affinity with the Muslim and Arab cultures in the Middle East. So, when I was deciding which firms to apply to for my training contract, a priority was finding a firm that had a prestigious and growing presence in the Middle East.

My overseas seat in Abu Dhabi sealed the deal for me
This was my first choice for my overseas seat. Like every other trainee, I had to make my case for why I wanted to work in this office, which was a unique experience as I was completing a seat in EIPAF in London at the time. Having been working on Middle East deals out of London, I was keen to immerse myself in the UAE life and culture, closer to the clients I had already been working with out of London. The experience didn't disappoint and, once I had qualified, I came back here as an associate in the Project Finance team.

For projects work, I feel that this is the most exciting place in the world
Our client list is second to none. We really work with the very biggest and best clients — institutions, governments as well as private clients in the region, each on the most exciting projects imaginable. From huge tourism giga-projects in the desert (including a ski resort!) to historic green energy initiatives, we have a huge team of 17 lawyers and three paralegals dedicated to projects work. We also work closely with the Construction team, and often with colleagues in Dubai and Riyadh too.

This is a really diverse team of lawyers
What I enjoy is being part of a really strong team with a lot of international experience and a plethora of jurisdictions and qualifications between us. As part of the global White & Case network, we're also constantly in touch with colleagues around the world. So, you can work on a matter that's UAE-focused, with a team that represents multiple nationalities, while also being part of an international firm in terms of say, joining an affinity network, or attending an event streamed from New York or London.

It helps that the office is in a scenic location
This is an idyllic place to come to work. Abu Dhabi is an archipelago, so being in a waterside office in the Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM) is amazing. We often host get-togethers for various teams from across the region here. There's an active social scene in the office too; from regular women's lunches to family days and more. Everyone knows everyone in the office; from support staff to the partners, it has a strong family-vibe, which is much welcome as an expat.

It's easy to meet friends and build your network here
There are so many young professionals here, and there are lots of professional networking events and informal socials too. As soon as you arrive, your peers will add you to WhatsApp groups or introduce you people who might be interested in the same hobbies. For me, it was mixed martial arts, through which I've connected with many people, including clients!

I can accelerate my career and grow with my clients
I think you can get a lot more responsibility here than you would in a bigger office. That comes with more personalised support and mentorship; you're not left to sink or swim. But there's also a chance to really step up once you're comfortable. For example, I've developed a good relationship with several of our clients. We probably work more closely than if this was a bigger office with more layers between us. Another factor is that the companies here are often quite young too. So, there's not necessarily longstanding relationships or entrenched ways of doing things. You can grow together.