As many of us familiarise ourselves with working remotely and communicating using online tools, our Global Recruitment team have some advice for anyone with an upcoming video interview. Find out how to present yourself well, communicate effectively and make a great impression on recruiters.
Prepare in advance
Just as you would for a face-to-face interview, take time to consider your responses. Ask someone else to practice your answers with you. Research the firm that you will be interviewing with via their website and social media channels. Review your application and anticipate the questions that recruiters will ask you based on the information that you have already shared with them.
“If you have nothing further to add, don’t put yourself under pressure to use all the allocated time to answer the question. We are focussed on the quality of our applicant’s answers; which should try and provide the most relevant information in a succinct manner”
Look around you
Prepare your surroundings in good time ahead of your scheduled interview. Clear any clutter that could be distracting to the interviewer. Check what is in the shot behind you – remove any posters that could be distracting (or an unmade bed!). A plain wall is the best option.
“Video interviews are intended to provide you the opportunity to show us who you are while bringing your written application to life. Own your resume, no one knows you better than you do; and most importantly, be yourself!”
Ensure that an interviewer can see you clearly
Make sure you are in a brightly lit room as dim light will reduce the video quality. If there is daylight, it is better to face the window than have it in shot behind you, as too much light will distort the camera view.
… and hear you clearly too
Ensure you're speaking loudly and clearly and the microphone on your device is of good quality. You may see a sound meter when you are recording. Check that it is peaking in the right area.
“If you feel that you lose your way in your answer, try to resist ending the question. Instead, take a moment to collect your thoughts and focus before continuing – this will show your determination and resilience”.
Get ready
Remember to dress as you would for a face-to-face interview. Try to have your webcam at eye level. If that's not possible, it's better for the camera to be angled down than up towards you.
“Be yourself and don’t over-prepare for the interview – the more authentic you are the better you will come across.”
If you are pre-recording your interview, use the practice question to see what can be viewed on screen when filming your response to each question. If you are doing a live interview, consider doing a quick video call with a friend or classmate to make sure that everything looks and sounds good.
“Ensure that you use the practice questions to familiarise yourself with the system, and then focus on answering the questions clearly and concisely, letting your personality come through”.